Buyers in jeopardy due to the frequent cases of Electric Scooter.

Motogazer Electric Scooter Fire
Automobile News:

Yet another electric scooter catches fire, this time it was in the Trichy district of Tamil Nadu. With a couple of electric scooter catching fire over the past few weeks it raises question of safety and durability. Speculations on climate and other technical factors are pointers of debate. However, the safety of EV is now becoming a talk of the town.
Now should you be blaming the summer or could there be an issue with the lithium-ion batteries themselves? Is a question for the regulatory bodies and industry experts to deep dive into. As the rise in incidents of an electric scooter has left the sector into jeopardized.

Post the OLA S1Pro fire incident in Pune the authorities have already started to investigate the issue.  And set a timeline of a month to conclude the reason for such incidents. Additionally, OLA has also committed to investigating the issue as safety is the highest priority for the company.

Further, the back to back incidents of the electric scooter catches fire has impacted the sales of electric scooters as the buyers fear safety issues. Moreover, it shall create additional pressure on the government that has been working towards building an infrastructure for the EV segment and offering incentives for EV purchases.
Mr. Vinkesh Gulati President of FADA stated import of global products and planting them on Indian roads is making the sector extremely unsafe and impacting the buyer’s trust.

Similarly, Arun Sreyas Co-Founder and CEO of RAC Energy stated the urgency of a few Manufacturers who skipped appropriate validation and testing. Resulting in a backlash of buyer’s confidence being jeopardized due to such incidents.
These incidents are resulting in a hurdle for the growth of electric scooters and the EV segment in the country.


The report of the authorities shall play a vital role which shall stage the future of electric scooters in the country.

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