Electric Vehicles Myths that you need to know!

Electric Vehicles Myths vs Facts

Electric vehicles have been steadily gaining traction in India’s automotive landscape. However, the electric vehicles myths and misconceptions still persist, hindering their widespread adoption. From concerns about charging infrastructure and range anxiety to cost implications and environmental impact. We will separate fact from fiction and empower readers with useful insights. So, whether you’re a skeptic, a curious onlooker, or an enthusiastic advocate of electric mobility. This blog will equip you with the knowledge of the true potential of electric cars in India.


Myth 1: Charging an electric vehicle is time-consuming and inconvenient

Fact: Charging an electric vehicle can be as simple as plugging it into a power source. While charging times may vary depending on the vehicle and charging infrastructure. Advancements in fast-charging technology have significantly reduced charging times. Additionally, with the increasing number of public charging stations and the option to install home chargers. EV owners can conveniently charge their vehicles overnight or during their daily routine. For instance Tata Nexon EV is equipped with fast-charging capabilities, allowing it to charge up to 80% within just one hour.

Myth 2: Electric vehicles have a limited range and are not suitable for long-distance travel

Fact: While early EV models had limited ranges, technological advancements have significantly improved the capabilities of electric vehicles. Today, there are several EVs available in India with ranges of over 300 kilometers on a single charge. Additionally, the charging infrastructure is expanding rapidly, allowing for convenient long-distance travel.

Myth 3: Electric vehicles are not safe to drive in heavy rains

Fact: Electric vehicles (EVs) incorporate an Ingress Protection (IP) system to guarantee safety in waterlogged regions. Contemporary EV batteries possess an IP67 rating. Signifying their ability to endure being submerged in water up to one meter deep that is for a maximum duration of 30 minutes without any leakage. This rating provides confidence that the vehicle’s terminals, connectors, and high voltage architecture remain shielded, even in situations where the car encounters waterlogging, which is typically around 300 mm in depth. Within the battery pack there are multiple protective cutoffs. Additionally, designed to activate at the first indication of water ingress.

These protective mechanisms ensure that the primary battery pack electrically separates itself from the rest of the vehicle, preventing potential damage. Moreover, the electric vehicle charging infrastructure in India adheres to strict safety regulations and standards. Charging stations are engineered and constructed to withstand adverse weather conditions, including rain. Similar to any electrical appliance or device, precautions should be taken to ensure proper electrical connections and protection against water exposure. Nevertheless, with appropriate safety measures in place, charging electric vehicles during the monsoon season is secure and dependable.

Myth 4: Electric vehicles are too expensive for the average Indian consumer

Fact: The notion that electric vehicles are unaffordable for the average Indian consumer is gradually becoming outdated. With advancements in technology, increased government support, and growing competition in the market, the cost of electric vehicles is steadily decreasing. Moreover, various financial incentives, such as subsidies and tax benefits, are being offered to make electric vehicles more accessible. Additionally, the lower operating and maintenance costs of electric vehicles can offset the initial higher purchase price over time. As a result, electric vehicles are becoming an increasingly viable and affordable option for the average Indian consumer.

Myth 5: There are insufficient EV charging stations in India

Fact: According to NITI Aayog, the Indian government’s resource center, there are approximately 934 electric vehicle charging stations spread across India. This number continues to rise steadily as both public and private entities recognize the importance of supporting the EV infrastructure. The government, in collaboration with various stakeholders, is actively working on setting up EV charging stations every 25 kilometers along highways and major roads. In addition to increasing the number of charging stations, advancements in technology are making EV charging more efficient and accessible. Smart charging solutions enables the user to manage the charging needs via smartphone apps or other digital platforms.

Myth 6: The electricity used to charge EVs is not clean if it comes from fossil fuel-based power plants.

Fact: EVs have a remarkable advantage when it comes to energy conversion efficiency. On average, electric vehicles have the ability to convert approximately 59%–62% of the electrical energy sourced from the grid into usable power at the wheels. In contrast, conventional petrol vehicles struggle to convert a mere 17%–21% of the energy stored in petrol into power at the wheels. Some may argue that the electricity used to charge EVs can lead to carbon pollution, depending on the source of the grid power.

However, the carbon footprint of EVs heavily relies on how the local power is generated. In India, there is a strong commitment to increasing the share of non-fossil fuel-based energy resources in the electric power sector. The goal is to achieve about 40% cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030, significantly reducing the carbon impact of EV charging. Additionally, installing solar panels for home charging can further reduce the carbon footprint of electric vehicles.

Myth 7 : Lithium batteries and EV’s are dangerous in general

Lithium batteries and electric vehicles, like any other power source and mode of transportation, come with their own set of safety considerations. However, effectively managing the risk associated with lithium batteries in EV are the design, manufacturing, and usage protocols. The overall safety of Electric Vehicles comprises extensive research, testing, and stringent safety standards. Moreover, continuous advancements in battery technology and safety features have significantly reduced the likelihood of accidents or incidents. The safety of electric vehicles depends on following recommended guidelines for handling and charging lithium batteries. Offering a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative for transportation.


As electric vehicles gain prominence in India’s automotive landscape, it’s crucial to separate myths from facts. The reality is that EVs in India offer longer ranges, are becoming more affordable, have convenient charging options, provide impressive performance, and contribute to a greener future. By debunking these myths, we encourage more people to consider electric vehicles as a viable and sustainable mode of transportation in India. Embracing this technology will not only benefit individuals. But also contribute to reducing pollution and building a cleaner environment for future generations. Let’s drive towards a future of informed decision-making and greener mobility.

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