ITMS the New way To Tackle Traffic Violations By Bengaluru Traffic Police

Bengaluru Traffic Police ITMS

The Bengaluru traffic police have been taking a number of initiatives for infusing and integrating next-gen technology in the everyday functioning of the police. And now, the Bengaluru traffic police has recently introduced a brand-new artificial intelligence backed automatic system ITMS to tackle traffic violations in the city.

As per the reports, the Bengaluru traffic police have set an Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS) in motion across the city. That can intelligently detect traffic violations and issue challans automatically. Basically, this artificial intelligence backed system has been innovatively geared toward contactless automatic enforcement of traffic violations.

The basic objective of the Intelligent Traffic Management System was to automatically detect the traffic violations on a daily basis in a contactless manner and to send auto-generated challans to the violators with nearly no to minimum human intervention. In simple words, the ITMS system will employ artificial intelligence and machine learning to automatically detect traffic violations seamlessly.


The ITMS system basically consists of artificial intelligence enabled solutions. That come with nearly 250 automatic number plate recognition cameras along with 80 red light violation detection cameras. Further, such cameras have been installed at 50 junctions to detect the violations across the city of Bengaluru.

This artificial intelligence system will detect traffic violations including:

  • Exceeding the speed limit
  • Jumping the signal
  • Riding without a helmet
  • Triple riding on two-wheelers
  • Using mobile phones while driving (driver on call)
  • Driving without seat belts, and more.

The artificial intelligence backed ITMS cameras will record traffic violations 24x7x365 and the entire system will be completely automated. The challan will be automatically generated and sent to the violator via SMS and by paper. As soon as the ITMS camera detects any traffic violation it immediately issues an challan. Reportedly, this ITMS system has been developed under the Videonetics Technology. Moreover, a private company called the Matrix Security and Surveillance has built it.

The new ITMS system will save a lot of traffic manpower that can further be redeployed for other traffic management and regulations in order to provide a better service to the public. This initiative is also said to help the traffic police in improving road safety through the practically effective enforcement. Which also ensures strict road discipline and that further results in safer roads for the commuters at large.

Reportedly, the management’s objective behind the launch of the new system was basically “not to collect fines easily”, but to improve the “road behavior and compliance”.

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